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The best tool for evangelism is the Bible

"Evangelistic Bible"

Gospel Tract + Book of the Bible

okBible is an innovative Bible made for evangelism that integrated the gospel tract and book of the Bible, so that anyone can easily read the Word of God and know the gospel. It is being widely distributed throughout the world especially through believers, Christian businesses, and churches. The coming of the kingdom of God is possible only when the Bible, the constitution of the kingdom of God, is declared. We are the ambassadors of the Kingdom of God and workers who spread the Word of God.

The Bible was not given just for the growth of the saints.

The Bible is the greatest gift to mankind, and God's letter to the lost sheep. It is not an esoteric book, but a complete gospel written with the inspiration of the Holy Spirit so that anyone can read and meet Jesus.

There is a limit to what we deliver with our lips.

The gospel tract is fragmentary and feels like a flyer, so it sometimes doesn't look right. Post-it notes or tissue paper with the name of the church on it is marketing, and is far from spreading the gospel. But the Bible makes no mistake. It is not lacking. We can deliver the message of our Lord in the way it is.

Then, why couldn't the Bible be used for evangelism?

First of all, it is because the Bible is expensive. It is not easy to give out a Bible that costs $20-30. Secondly, even if you gift the Bible, it is so thick that it is burdensome for the general public to read. Thirdly, the material or design of the existing Bible is like a scripture, so it is unfamiliar. Unfortunately, these are the reasons for not presenting the Bible, the Word of God.

OkBIBLE, which combines the Gospel and the Gospel tract,

is innovatively designed so that anyone can read it freely by applying. The high-quality design and materials and even the number of chapters and verses are removed so that non-Christians can read it without getting interfered. It is designed so that the readers can read the gospel message before reading the Word of God.

The modern church is criticized by many.

However, they, too, are the "soles" (Der Einzelne) referred to by Kierkegaard, and they change in the presence of the Gospel. Many people are thirsty for the truth. The people who are poor in spirit long for a Creator.


Evangelism is not an event, it is a life, and it is the privilege of all believers.

Even if we preach the Word of God to only one person a day on a weekday, we can preach the Gospel to more than 260 people a year, and in 30 years, we can preach the Gospel to 7,800 people.

Reading the Word and preaching the Word!

The Holy Spirit works when we read the Bible.

When humans encounter the truth, they experience an enlightenment within them, and when they hear the word of the Creator, their sin is revealed. A wonderful change begins in their souls.


It is said that there are over 30 million people (60%) in Korea alone who do not own a Bible. The non-Christians do not have the Bible that is so common to us. The original Bibles are expensive and thick, making it very difficult for the general public to read. Even those who criticize the church often have an open heart about Jesus. The problem is that they have never read the Bible. We must help them to see the Gospel itself. When you preach the Word, the Word works.


In 1885, the Gospel of Mark was translated and published by Soo-jung Lee, and 6.2 million copies of the Book of the Bible were distributed nationwide by the colporteur between 1900-1918 (statistics of the British Bible Society). Considering that the population of Korea was about 18 million, more than a third of the population received the Word of God. The 1907 Great Pyongyang Revival didn't just occur all of a sudden, but it was because the firewood of God's Word had accumulated in the souls of the general public. OkBIBLE, an evangelistic Bible that has integrated the gospel tract and the Word of God, is being distributed to the public through businesses, workplaces, churches, and families around the world. The advent of the kingdom of God begins with the dissemination of the Bible, God's constitution.

The Colporteurs

In order to lay the cornerstone of the great revival in Pyongyang, the Colporteurs, also known as the Kwon Seo-in, went to all over the country to spread the Gospel and built firewood of the Word in the hearts of the public. Now, we dream of distributing the Word of God through the families, workplaces, and churches of the believers.

okBIBLE Format

The verse numbers that are unfamiliar to non-Christians are removed, and subtitles are added to each chapter, so that it can be read in a familiar book format rather than a hard scripture. Moreover, when one chapter is over, the next chapter doesn’t continue in the same page. The next chapter starts on the next page.

User Friendly

OkBible is very easy to read because it is arranged in a general book format rather than the existing Bible, and the contents of the Bible come to a glance through frequent paragraph breaks.

Unlike the existing worship Bibles, it is rich in illustrations and is easy to carry. Moreover, by combining the gospel tract and the Book of the Bibles, non-Christians can easily read and understand the Bible.

okBIBLE first shows the whole history of redemption (a new form of gospel tract), and then the Book of the Gospel begins. When you apply for a regular subscription, various okBIBLEs, such as John, Proverbs, Mark, Romans, Luke, Ecclesiastes, etc. will be automatically delivered each quarter in order (3 months cycle).

Even if we share the Word of God to only one person a day on a weekday, we can preach the gospel to more than 250 people a year, and in 30 years, we can preach the gospel to 7,500 people.


Loren Cunningham, Founder of YWAM

Chinese, English, Arabic, Thai and Spanish versions are also available.

Books in other languages will also be published as soon as donations are secured. (Contact sunny@hosanna.net)

I am an Evangelist

분당에 위치한 사랑의병원(병원장 황성주)은 암 및 면역질병들의 치료와 예방을 위한 암&면역중점치료 병원으로서, 내방하는 모든 환우들을 위해 기도하며 매월 okBIBLE을 통해 하나님 말씀을 효과적으로 전하고 있습니다. 육체 뿐만 아니라 영혼까지 돌보는 전인적인 섬김을 진행하고 있습니다. www.lcc.co.kr

호산나 치과는 호산나와 함께 전세계 선교에 협력하며, 동시에 사업장을 방문하는 고객에게 하나님 말씀을 보급하고 또한 호산나 한몸 회원들에게 우대 혜택을 제공하고 있습니다.

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